Course Instructor: Vittorio Zaccaria — To meet the course instructor for questions about the course, send an email to [email protected] with your institutional account. The meeting will be held via MS Teams.

Additional Instructors: Federico Terraneo ([email protected]), Federico Reghenzani ([email protected])

If you are a perspective student, we'd like to know more about your background and what you expect from this course, please fill out this pre-course information form (results will only be seen by the Course Instructor)


Course program and evaluation criteria (updated October 4, 2021)

Archive of previous written tests. Updated July 4, 2022.

Overview of the new exam (updated November 21, 2021)


Tuesday, 17:15 - 19:15, Room 3.0.2 (max occupancy 174=100%)

Thursday, 17:15 - 19:15, Room 3.1.2 (max occpuancy 160=100%)

For online attendance rooms, please check the schedule down below.

In person attendance and COVID19

Updated September 11, 2021. Please read the Rector's communication concerning the requirements for in-person attendance. All the lectures will be live streamed on Webex but you are welcome to attend in person under the recommendation that the room's occupancy stays under 75% of its allowed capacity If, for whatever reason, the occupancy is higher than 75% I'll be forced to interrupt the lecture to find a solution (with obvious impacts on the lecture timing).

Getting up to speed tutorials, playgrounds, cheatsheets and templates

Webex rooms

Note on the schedule and material

The schedule below is best effort. Some topics might be treated a bit sooner or later depending on the lecture rhythm.

Slides will be published the day before the lecture, while annotated slides will be published just after the lecture.

Detailed course organisation and schedule - last update @October 13, 2021